I like Cheap Trick, but I never cared for this one. Like Kiss Me Red, It's Up To You and It's Only Love, but that's about it. After Standing On the Edge I expected a more stripped down rock album. Tht wouldn't come about until 1994'sw Woke Up With a Monster and later, Cheap Trick '97. Loved last years In Another World:)

Could never get in to Woke Up With A Monster, but Cheap Trick 97 is a beast of a record. Comfortably up there with the first 3 LPs. Most of the records since have been good solid rock albums with a few gems, though Bun E. Carlos is very much missed recently. His solo album is a treat.

Honestly, this song is so surreptitiously filthy, it's still kinda hilarious, after all these years, especially if you hear it from people's ringtones (yes, still!) or singing it (unwittingly) to their children in public places...

Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmar las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito

Quiero ver bailar tu pelo, quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido"
Absolute shit…this is no music imho
Could never get in to Woke Up With A Monster, but Cheap Trick 97 is a beast of a record. Comfortably up there with the first 3 LPs. Most of the records since have been good solid rock albums with a few gems, though Bun E. Carlos is very much missed recently. His solo album is a treat.
I didn't like all of WUWM, but it was a return to their "rock sound". I liked the title track,Tell Me Everything, You're All I Wanna Do, Girlfriends(my fave track off it)Didn't Know I had It and Love Me For A Minute. Didn't care most of their 80s output as a whole. Liked certain songs from each album, but that's about it. Busted? No thanks. Didn't like Special One either but after that they've been pretty solid. Agree with you about CT '97 and Bun E Carlos:)