Just finished
Lies of P yesterday and although I don't have the time right now to do a full write-up and I have to be brief, let's just put it here.
- gameplay-wise, it is not on the level of From, but
as a game, meaning the whole package, I genuinely fell in love with it. The atmosphere, the characters, the collecting of records - I'm actually playing the soundtrack in my car from time to time, that thing doesn't happen very often with a video game. The city of Krat, the automatons, the score, the story, it was all really ... something, it amazed me absolutely.
- there were cca 2,5 boss encounters where I thought to myself - they overdone this, this is just bullshit, hard for hard's sake, trying to outFrom From - the second phase of both Green Monster and especially Laxasia were so fucking overtuned (especially with the somewhat janky combat mechanics of your character and the erratic movements of both; heck, Laxasia skating away on the thin ice of a new day while filling the screen with lightning is just an epilepsy simulator, tbh) I almost threw the game away and in the end I summoned. Manus' second phase was teetering on the edge of it, but didn't cross it to me, although I felt it was
somewhat bullshit, especially with the waves he sends being so fast so they were bordering on unreactable. Still beat him summonless.
In general, the game was harder for me than any fromsoft game I played (and I play quality builds without summons, cheese or shields). Maybe I'm just bad at it, don't know, but at times I felt it was almost too much for me.
On the other hand, I absolutely loved the Archbishop fight, Nameless Puppet, first phase of Green Monster, Corrupted Parade Master and surprise surprise, even the rematch against Brotherhood (it's mostly the arena, the second one gives at least some cover). Victor I didn't personally vibe with, but I get why people love him.
- level design is much more linear than in From (but that's not necessarily a negative thing), but as for the atmosphere of the levels themselves, I'm again flabbergasted. I am really looking forward to going into NG+ this evening, I need to return to Krat. The way the environments change, the way they are re-used and revisited and recontextualised - the levels and the enemies also - it felt really great. Kinda reminded me of
Alien Isolation, in more than one way - both felt long, but not overlong, changing it a bit and making it interesting for the player (A:I by confrontations with humans, robots and the alien, each of which was quite different to handle, LoP has it somewhat similar with the automatons, carcasses and humans) and so on.
- I have avoided the popular tropes of Victorian era, La Belle Époque, steampunk and clockpunk all my life. I hated it, found it stupid and cringe. This game absolutely changed me. I want to read Verne, re-watch Hugo again and I want to be predictable and clichéd. My springs reacted, to put it succintly.
(also, did you know
someone put the restoration of early movies by Lumière bros with documentary commentary on YouTube? An absolute treat for both history and film buffs)
The game is in many ways so clichéd I should hate it... but I can't. I fell in love with it, honestly.