Night Prowler's Future Survivors

This poll won't exactly determine the next Survivor (in my case), I just wanna see how many voters each of these would get. So don't vote tactically or anything, 'cause I might not pick the top choice. Plus most of the spots are already taken, so it's gonna be a while before any of these start.

If you're not too familiar with a band but you'd like to vote in the Survivor, I can make the rounds longer so that you have more time to relisten to an album (like I've been doing in Blaze Bayley Survivor).
I'll play Queen and Tool for sure. I can try Nightwish, Helloween, BG, Amon Amarth and Slayer but again, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to play every round.
I'm only interested in a Rammstein survivor. Not familiar enough with some of these band's material and don't have the time to discover, rest I just don't care about.
Yea..quite a few are missing. Oh well. I'll be doing Dio for sure alongside Pink Floyd in October.
I'd Definitely play Tool. I vote for Queen but I haven't yet heard all of the songs, but I've heard most. I'm not really familiar with the rest of these bands.
Tool is short, so I might throw them in with Dio and Floyd. Queen will go with Iron Maiden I think. No BOC or Primus. Why was Primus even suggested if nobody planned on playing it?

By the way, I won't be including Opiate by Tool. Just the four main albums.
So another poll. Opeth Survivor just started, Nightwish will follow it. This poll will determine the Survivor that will follow Nightwish.
I removed some bands from the previous poll for lack of interest and added some new ones.
Symphony X isn't in the poll, but I'll host a Survivor after the new album is released, 100% sure :)
If you wanna suggest a band that isn't in the poll, feel free to do so :) As in the previous poll, I don't have to necessarily pick the band that gets the most votes, I just wanna see how much interest each will generate, so don't vote tactically! :P
I'd do Halford and Soundgarden for sure.
Most of the others I'd need to get to know better first, but may participate as a way of doing that.
On a related note, when do you want me to start the Janick survivor?
I can anytime now.