Name your 3 fave yet unplayed songs you would like them to play live

Dick Brucinson

Bruce Dolci
After ATG as the biggest surprise probably in decades, what further yet unplayed songs would you like to see in their future sets? Everybody to name their top three personal faves please.

My choice:
The Duellists
Judas Be My Guide
The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner
The Thin Line Between Love And Hate
Back In The Village
The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner
The Thin Line Between Love And Hate
Back In The Village
Loneliness was played live once on the Somewhere in Time tour, there’s a bootleg of it. Back In The Village was allegedly played live as well and there’s a (dubious) recording and back and forth on this forum about it also.

For me, realistically I could see Only the Good Die Young or Sun and Steel.

Based on personal opinions, I think most of the good material from the 80s was played live. Being that album’s obligatory Harris epic, Alex was the only major omission to me. But there are a ton of songs in the reunion era that should have been played live. Lots of stuff off Final Frontier, The Parchment, even shorter rockers like Montsegur just fell through the cracks. You could probably do a whole setlist with 8-10 great reunion era songs never played live. Not sure you could do the same from the 80s albums.

Empire Of the Clouds should be played live, and it probably will in the context of a Bruce solo show. I don’t think Maiden will do it.
Difficult question. I will exclude Empire Of The Clouds and Face In The Sand because they will never be played, but they would be my picks for sure.

The Parchment
Judgement Of Heaven
The Thin Line Between Love And Hate

hm: Deja-Vu, Judas Be My Guide, Only The Good Die Young, Starblind/Isle Of Avalon, Shadows Of The Valley.
Based on personal opinions, I think most of the good material from the 80s was played live.
Apart from: The Duellists, Flash Of The Blade, Deja-Vu and Only The Good Die Young.
But there are a ton of songs in the reunion era that should have been played live. Lots of stuff off Final Frontier, The Parchment, even shorter rockers like Montsegur just fell through the cracks. You could probably do a whole setlist with 8-10 great reunion era songs never played live. Not sure you could do the same from the 80s albums.
I agree.
Empire Of the Clouds should be played live, and it probably will in the context of a Bruce solo show. I don’t think Maiden will do it.
I doubt Bruce will play it solo either, mainly because of its length. He has a prominent keyboard player though.
Do anyone have a list to pick from? I’m a nerd, but I can’t remember everything
The list is found in this post, but keep in mind this was written prior to Senjutsu so it's missing songs from that album such as The Parchment etc.
Mother russia
Childhood’s end
The man who would be king

The nomad would be great to, but it will never be played of course :lol:
The Parchment

There's still slim hope, but I doubt it. I don't think it'd be much of a momentum-killer (in fact, it only builds in momentum until it all bursts in the final section) and it's a nice, easy song for Bruce with some long resting spots.

Judas Be My Guide

No idea why this never made it into a set. Epic, atmospheric intro, great energy and lively tempo, strong, singalong chorus. Possibly their most underrated song for me.

Flash of the Blade

Would've been an excellent addition to the Somewhere Back in Time set. Bruce and Nicko were in strong form and would've had few issues, the three guitarists would've made easy work of the beautiful harmony section.