More European Dates Confirmed

According to a few sites it's only a matter of time for the Greek date to be confirmed!!!!!The show is supposed to be done on June 15 or 16!!!!
I can't wait to see it on the official site!!!  :yey: :edmetal: :D
Iron Maiden is expected to play in Greece on 15th or 16th of June, I read somewhere. The 17th of June is free, I'm expecting a Turkey show. They haven't performed yet there since 1998. It was the only Iron Maiden show in Turkey. And 1998 you know. No Bruce, No H. And I was just 2 years old :lol: I hope our waiting will come to an end.
I hope they crunch in former Yugoslavia date in that period. Head of Croatian IMFC says that we have a good chance of getting a gig. There have been only three tours in last 15 years that skipped former Yugoslav countries, only one in last ten years.