A great driving riff builds up a bit, then breaks into a heavy, melodic verse. Chorus 1 feels a little forced, but has nice musical backing. Chorus 2 unfortunately has rote delivery, bad phrasing, and an icky guitar lead that doubles the vocal.
Another round of verse and chorus 1 and 2, then we return to the opening riff before getting an OK but sloppy Janick special and a good harmonized section. This breaks into a busier lead section with some nice harmonization before returning to chorus 2 and a modified chorus 1, and a big rock ending.
The muddy production is really noticeable on this song, especially when things get busy. I am also not a fan of chorus 2 at all, and chorus 1 has some weaknesses too. This song had the potential for greatness, but as-is it's barely a 7/10.