Metal History Book

It's nowhere explicitly stated in the song, but the historical context in which the song appeared makes it quite unambiguous, just like Face in the Sand and 9/11 and Two Minutes to Midnight and the Cold War. It's admittedly arbitrary, but for the moment I'd like to go with an inclusive rather than an exclusive approach.
Yes, perhaps even specifically about Srebrenica.
f that is true then this really was a last minute written lyric. Srebrenica was in July. Recording ended in August, according to wikipedia. Let's see if we can find more about that.
I have a vague memory of Steve saying something about the UN peace keepers doing nothing, which sounds like Srebrenica. Although, that could possbily be a) a reference to another event or b) Steve mentioning it in the media as it would have happened quite recent to when the media interviews took place but not necessarily because it was a specific influence during the song writing process.
Made the following additions/changes:

Falklands War
Iron Maiden - Como Estais Amigos

Gulf War
Iron Maiden - Afraid to Shoot Strangers
It may not be such a bad idea to combine the lists so no further mistakes are made.