Maiden's future (albums/touring)

And that is the reason they are never going to do a history tour that consists of the band's least successful era. It would be a risky decision at best.

Agreed. As @Cried said, I could see them bringing back AFTSS and maybe one other song off No Prayer or FOTD, but otherwise, I think we're gonna see that whole era continue to be ignored. At least it won't be completely forgotten about, like The Dark Ages (the Blaze years).

I would love to see at least three Brave New World tracks stay in the set. I think it continues to remain their best reunion album.
Don't know where to begin. Sure, they could do it themselves on the computer with a pirated version of Cubase and shit on the master engineer and just brickwall it, but really?
Honestly, I've heard a ton of independent albums made for virtually nothing that are a hell of a lot better sonically than anything Maiden has done in the last 20 years.
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Whatever you say. Experienced engineers, proper recording rooms and gear are obsolete.

Edit: You can not do it the way Maiden does it cheaply. It is bullshit. You can make quality work very cheap, but you are very limited in how you do it, where you do it, with what gear you use and, what people that can work on it. You can not get away cheap if you're taking the Maiden/grade A bands approach. You don't.
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You're right, they would have to change their approach. I don't get the point of throwing a ton of money into a production when the result is anything like the last three Maiden albums. It's almost a waste.
Oh, for crying out loud. The approach you're suggesting would completely and utterly destroy all sense of live performance from their records and force them into the type of pre production demoing they don't go for - because that's not how they write the songs. They would have to layer everything contrary to actually record it as a band (and where would they record Nicko's drums?) and then what? Send it to an online mixing company (note: Online mixing is awesome, but the artist get less insight in the mixing process. It's just a matter of explaining how you want it to sound and then hope that the result is pleasing. And most often pay extra for changes other than one round of level correction) and hope the end result is an accurate representation of their effort.

And if you're seriously questioning the professionalism of the production on AMOLAD and TFF then you've gone beyond ridiculous. I'm all for bang for the buck, and I'm a plugin guy myself, but you are being ridiculous. The goal of Maiden's approach is to preserve the live feel, and to pave the way for their creative process, followed by making an excellent aural representation of the songs. Any other way would be counter productive for a band like Maiden.

Maiden should not change their approach. They do not need to. They've put out sonically amazing records since the reunion, save for DoD which is rather crude. Besides, BNW for instance is far superior in terms of spectral balance than say NoTB and PoM. It is naturally inherit though, to the limit amounts of gear they had back in the day (and Steve Harris' annoying bass sound ideal).
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The aspects of say, getting a quality guitar sound without a studio and a sea of amps is dead easy with the Axe FX, or my favorite, Kemper profiling amp (I bought one myself just now. It's great). The vocals and the bass aren't the problem either. The drum recording would be a bit of an obstacle. It's hard to achieve a Maiden type of sound in a home situation, without triggering everything to death. You need a fair sized room, great acoustics, great microphones, great positioning, perfectly tuned drums, excellent performance and have the microphones run through decent preamps and converters (and some people prefer to experiment with preamp choice relative to the chosen mic). The acoustic prerequisites for a top quality drum recording are extremely hard to come by at non studio locations. A bad room will not be saved by great microphones (and you'd likely mic the overheads closer and may forget about room mikes...)

That's the sound aspect of the recording. But you also need the group dynamics and feel of the performance. You don't get that by layering everything at home. That, is unachievable and would rob Maiden's recordings of any authenticity.
Oh, for crying out loud. The approach you're suggesting would completely and utterly destroy all sense of live performance from their records and force them into the type of pre production demoing they don't go for - because that's not how they write the songs. They would have to layer everything contrary to actually record it as a band (and where would they record Nicko's drums?) and then what? Send it to an online mixing company (note: Online mixing is awesome, but the artist get less insight in the mixing process. It's just a matter of explaining how you want it to sound and then hope that the result is pleasing. And most often pay extra for changes other than one round of level correction) and hope the end result is an accurate representation of their effort.

And if you're seriously questioning the professionalism of the production on AMOLAD and TFF then you've gone beyond ridiculous. I'm all for bang for the buck, and I'm a plugin guy myself, but you are being ridiculous. The goal of Maiden's approach is to preserve the live feel, and to pave the way for their creative process, followed by making an excellent aural representation of the songs. Any other way would be counter productive for a band like Maiden.

Maiden should not change their approach. They do not need to. They've put out sonically amazing records since the reunion, save for DoD which is rather crude. Besides, BNW for instance is far superior in terms of spectral balance than say NoTB and PoM. It is naturally inherit though, to the limit amounts of gear they had back in the day (and Steve Harris' annoying bass sound ideal).

Its true that they are looking for live sound sounding,but for sure because of how it Works the music scene right now,they are saving every €$ and pound.For me its sad becuase i miss a lot the clean productions, i love how it sound BNW but im into SSOASS and your cursed álbum, Fear of the Dark,i love the sound of that álbum.
I don't think they went for the live recording process to save money. It was a suggestion by Kevin Shirley before they got into the studio for BNW, and they liked it, so it stuck. Maiden doesn't need to skimp on the studio costs - they tried doing it in the nineties (NPFTD - recorded in the Rolling Stones mobile studio, TXF and VXI - recorded in Steve's home studio without a proper producer/mixing engineer) - and look how it turned out.
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I don't think they went for the live recording process to save money. It was a suggestion by Kevin Shirley before they got into the studio for BNW, and they liked it, so it stuck. Maiden doesn't need to skimp on the studio costs - they tried doing it in the nineties (NPFTD - recorded in the Rolling Stones mobile studio, TXF and VXI - recorded in Steve's home studio without a proper producer/mixing engineer) - and look how it turned out.
Oh gosh no, it's just how they approach it nowadays to give it a live feel, rather than just building it from t he ground up. I think it's an excellent approach, that is actually growing more and more fashionable.
Hey guys I saw maiden at the O2 yesterday and... :( not good, The sound was horrible it was a lot of echoes, and it was an average performance and bruce keept saying '' Scream for me london'' so many times he was just putting it in random places
he used to do it before a guitar solo and before the drums come in like 2 minutes to midnight intro just before the drums come in bruce should of went ''Scream for me london''

and I also had problems with the setlist, there was nothing wrong with the songs buy they played moonchild first I mean you want a song whats fast when opening a concert so Aces High should of been that song to start with not moonchild as it starts of slow and the people there agreed who I spoke to I mean they wanted to hear Flight of Icarus and Bring your daughter to the slaughter they are 2 classic maiden songs I mean when was the last time they played them and this is the biggest mistake of them all... they DID NOT play Hallowed Be Thy Name OMG WHY? so many people there were chanting it.

That was my 3rd time seeing maiden the 1st was 2003 - Dance of Death at Earls Court - London, 2nd was 2006 A matter of life and death at Earls court and they were amazing and the Rock in Rio, Death on the road and Flight 666 DVD was just awesome! but im not sure weather age had got the better of them or what but since flight 666 maiden just not been the same. Thanks for taking the time to read this I'm looking foward to your replys but I guess this is just my opinion so please dont shoot me down lol.
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Wow i cannot believe you feel that way. What i will say is not everyone will want the same setlist. You worry me when you say the actual performance was in your word, average. + You seem to be saying the sound was not right. Really i bet you are right about that part. Somebody else could come on here and say it was fantastic. Was there a programme sold last night ?.
Wow i cannot believe you feel that way. What i will say is not everyone will want the same setlist. You worry me when you say the actual performance was in your word, average. + You seem to be saying the sound was not right. Really i bet you are right about that part. Somebody else could come on here and say it was fantastic. Was there a programme sold last night ?.

No tour programmes just posters and t-shirts and It's not just me saying this alot of people there were saying the same thing, I love iron maiden and they are my favourite band but im not gonna lie and say it was an amazing concert when me and a lot of other people who I spoke to after the gig agreed with me. Thank you for your reply I'm looking foward to seeing what other people have to say and feel free to reply :)
Maybe the beer made you hear echoes drink enough and it could happen
Hey guys I saw maiden at the O2 yesterday and... :( not good, The sound was horrible it was a lot of echoes, and it was an average performance and bruce keept saying '' Scream for me london'' so many times he was just putting it in random places he used to do it before a guitar solo and before the drums come in like 2 minutes to midnight intro just before the drums come in bruce should of went ''Scream for me london''

and I also had problems with the setlist, there was nothing wrong with the songs buy they played moonchild first I mean you want a song whats fast when opening a concert so Aces High should of been that song to start with not moonchild as it starts of slow and the people there agreed who I spoke to I mean they wanted to hear Flight of Icarus and Bring your daughter to the slaughter they are 2 classic maiden songs I mean when was the last time they played them and this is the biggest mistake of them all... they DID NOT play Hallowed Be Thy Name OMG WHY? so many people there were chanting it.

That was my 3rd time seeing maiden the 1st was 2003 - Dance of Death at Earls Court - London, 2nd was 2006 A matter of life and death at Earls court and they were amazing and the Rock in Rio, Death on the road and Flight 666 DVD was just awesome! but im not sure weather age had got the better of them or what but since flight 666 maiden just not been the same. Thanks for taking the time to read this I'm looking foward to your replys but I guess this is just my opinion so please dont shoot me down lol.
you know the saying you can't please everyone. I am positive that the overwhelming majority who went would say it was a great concert.
I don't think they went for the live recording process to save money. It was a suggestion by Kevin Shirley before they got into the studio for BNW, and they liked it, so it stuck. Maiden doesn't need to skimp on the studio costs - they tried doing it in the nineties (NPFTD - recorded in the Rolling Stones mobile studio, TXF and VXI - recorded in Steve's home studio without a proper producer/mixing engineer) - and look how it turned out.

There's is also the tremendous pressure to not only write great songs - but also with all techniqual aspects in the recording process that needs to be handled. By hiring Kevin Shirley to produce the album, they can concentrate strictly on the music. And I am not sure how many of you have any experience with how band dynamics work, but making decisions on the basis of 6 equal votes can be quite devastating for any relationship. I read that it was a demand from Bruce to hire an external producer on Brave New World.
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I don't think they went for the live recording process to save money. It was a suggestion by Kevin Shirley before they got into the studio for BNW, and they liked it, so it stuck. Maiden doesn't need to skimp on the studio costs - they tried doing it in the nineties (NPFTD - recorded in the Rolling Stones mobile studio, TXF and VXI - recorded in Steve's home studio without a proper producer/mixing engineer) - and look how it turned out.
But X Factor turned out to be a dark but great album, No Prayer for the dying is their most underrated album ever Mother Russia is an epic
Hey guys I saw maiden at the O2 yesterday and... :( not good, The sound was horrible it was a lot of echoes, and it was an average performance and bruce keept saying '' Scream for me london'' so many times he was just putting it in random places he used to do it before a guitar solo and before the drums come in like 2 minutes to midnight intro just before the drums come in bruce should of went ''Scream for me london''

and I also had problems with the setlist, there was nothing wrong with the songs buy they played moonchild first I mean you want a song whats fast when opening a concert so Aces High should of been that song to start with not moonchild as it starts of slow and the people there agreed who I spoke to I mean they wanted to hear Flight of Icarus and Bring your daughter to the slaughter they are 2 classic maiden songs I mean when was the last time they played them and this is the biggest mistake of them all... they DID NOT play Hallowed Be Thy Name OMG WHY? so many people there were chanting it.

That was my 3rd time seeing maiden the 1st was 2003 - Dance of Death at Earls Court - London, 2nd was 2006 A matter of life and death at Earls court and they were amazing and the Rock in Rio, Death on the road and Flight 666 DVD was just awesome! but im not sure weather age had got the better of them or what but since flight 666 maiden just not been the same. Thanks for taking the time to read this I'm looking foward to your replys but I guess this is just my opinion so please dont shoot me down lol.
I dont know why but during this tour has been many nights with sound problem,Donington,your gig,Sonisphere.....

And i feel great with that song opening the show!
I dont know why but during this tour has been many nights with sound problem,Donington,your gig,Sonisphere.....

And i feel great with that song opening the show!

There has been quite a bit writing in media about the supposed horrible sound at the new Friends Arena in Stockholm. The stadium just opened, and supposedly Bruce Springsteen and Kiss who played there before Maiden also had bad sound. Friends Arena management blames the promoter, the promoter blames the band.

I was at the front, and had nothing to complain about, but I heard some saying the couldn't hear the guitars at all at the back and couldn't make it which songs the played.
Hey guys I saw maiden at the O2 yesterday and... :( not good, The sound was horrible it was a lot of echoes, and it was an average performance and bruce keept saying '' Scream for me london'' so many times he was just putting it in random places
he used to do it before a guitar solo and before the drums come in like 2 minutes to midnight intro just before the drums come in bruce should of went ''Scream for me london''

and I also had problems with the setlist, there was nothing wrong with the songs buy they played moonchild first I mean you want a song whats fast when opening a concert so Aces High should of been that song to start with not moonchild as it starts of slow and the people there agreed who I spoke to I mean they wanted to hear Flight of Icarus and Bring your daughter to the slaughter they are 2 classic maiden songs I mean when was the last time they played them and this is the biggest mistake of them all... they DID NOT play Hallowed Be Thy Name OMG WHY? so many people there were chanting it.

That was my 3rd time seeing maiden the 1st was 2003 - Dance of Death at Earls Court - London, 2nd was 2006 A matter of life and death at Earls court and they were amazing and the Rock in Rio, Death on the road and Flight 666 DVD was just awesome! but im not sure weather age had got the better of them or what but since flight 666 maiden just not been the same. Thanks for taking the time to read this I'm looking foward to your replys but I guess this is just my opinion so please dont shoot me down lol.

I fixed the spoiler tags, you had one song outside. Also, please divide your post in sentences and use some full stops.
Look, this is what you said:
There is no way Iron Maiden is going to be a "studio only" band. Why? Because they have to get their money back from somewhere. It costs a fortune to record an album.
While it's factually correct in itself, I think your answer to, your own, "why?" is piddle. Okay, my mention of PRR & ToS isn't really comparable or, frankly, relevant. Point taken. But come on, money is not the reason Maiden now tour. Maiden could easily, if they chose to, become a "studio band", or tour less (--& therefore make less money from touring.) That's all I meant.