Maiden United

It's kind of a waste of his talent to play in a tribute band though.

True, but his voice is one of the things that made Maiden uniteD so good.

Speaking of Maiden uniteD, new album coming later this year.


First single is a, in my opinion, rather tedious reinterpretation of Alexander the Great:

I must admit that without Damian my interest in this release is fairly limited.
First single is a, in my opinion, rather tedious reinterpretation of Alexander the Great:

Agreed. It's not bad, but not all of the songs fit into this format as well as some of the others, and ATG - or at least this particular take on it - doesn't quite do the trick for me. It works, but doesn't quite have the power this particular song should have. It's bombastic delivery is, after all, one of the things that makes the original work so well, especially with that type of lyrics. However, I expect at least a couple of songs on the album to really stick out this time too.