Maiden England Tour 2012/2013!

I'm actually pretty surprised they're playing
Aces High
Quite used to hearing this as a first track --have Maiden had it mid-set or in an Encore before? (i.e. have they actually played the begining live, rather than over the PA?)

Also surprised with
Didn't think they'd play anything much from the first four albums, and maybe would play a few nineties tracks as was "leaked" (unless it was on original tour).
I'm actually pretty surprised they're playing
Aces High
Quite used to hearing this as a first track --have Maiden had it mid-set or in an Encore before? (i.e. have they actually played the begining live, rather than over the PA?)

Maybe they are going to open with
Dave said it's it the set.
I'd guess so. I just meant I'm curious as to whether
Aces High
has been played, that often, from the beginning live; as traditionally it's been an opener, and the start was over the PA.
I'd guess so. I just meant I'm curious as to whether
Aces High
has been played, that often, from the beginning live; as traditionally it's been an opener, and the start was over the PA.
Oh, I see what you mean now. Yeah, that'd be interesting to know.
How often over the years have they played Number of the Beast as an encore, where they dim the lights and play the spoken intro over the PA?

I think they would do the same for Aces High as an encore - the house lights will dim, they'll maybe play Churchill's Speech over the PA, play the intro, then the band will come out and perform the song.

Also, people will whine that there's no Still Life (or some other old song that hasn't been played in a while), but Phantom of the Opera is one hell of a nice surprise! How many people predicted that one?
I don't think Aces High would be played so far into the setlist, if at all. It's a very demanding song for Bruce to sing even when played as the opener.
They should avoid instrumentals - so many of their songs have long instrumental breaks already. The only instrumental they should ever play, *if* they choose to play an instrumental, should be 'Transylvania' (or possibly 'Ghengis Khan', if they open the show with it).
I don't care what they SHOULD play, I'm only interested in what I want them to play.
Is it tonight we will find out about the set? I hope someone will re-post stuff here, I am not on the official forum at the moment.
Does anyone know at what time (GMT zone) does the show start? Checking the setlist updates live on seems to be a good idea. :)
vomit, I fixed your tags. Luckily it was nothing I didn't already know, or I think you'd be well on your way out the door.
Yeh, so how far behind UK time is Charlotte? It's just coming up to 6 o'clock in the evening here in the UK. I'm guessing the show will start early Friday morning in respect to UK time. Anyone?