Maiden England '88 + History Part 3 coming March 25th!

Yeah, that's the rumour... Apparently, his comment on Blaze leaving was "Elvis has left the building", probably referring to his sideburns. I think it was among the facts that were once on the Maidenfans homepage, but I also recall to have read that it was not true.

Also, talking about Bruce's departure, look at Nicko's reaction at the end of Raising Hell when the goons "kidnap" Bruce to have him "executed" - hillarious!

He was also the only guy that hugged him, though. Steve said somewhere that he couldn't stand to look at him during the whole show.

Now I wanna watch Raising Hell. As cheesy as it may be its entertaining, and different, to watch :D
As far as I know (interviews and official biography), Steve repeatedly said that HE wanted Adrian back. When talks with Bruce were on the way, he asked for Adrian to come back. He has often said that Maiden had lost something with Adrian, and H has jammed several times with them, so they were no harsh feelings.
As for Bruce, his conditions were about Maiden being a more democratic band : Steve not being the sole producer, not recording the albums at home and so on...
That is probably true too, but I've read before that Bruce would only return if Adrian was included. Maiden lost a lot with the departure of H. Listening to those 4 90's albums, no matter how good or bad, it sounds like a huge chunk of Maiden's sound is missing. The recent albums would be the same way without Adrian.
As far as I know (interviews and official biography), Steve repeatedly said that HE wanted Adrian back. When talks with Bruce were on the way, he asked for Adrian to come back. He has often said that Maiden had lost something with Adrian, and H has jammed several times with them, so they were no harsh feelings.
As for Bruce, his conditions were about Maiden being a more democratic band : Steve not being the sole producer, not recording the albums at home and so on...
Yes, I've also heard that Bruce didn't want to be involved if Adrian wasn't, which is probably why it was easily agreed upon.

Edit: Mosh beat me to it.
I completly and perfectly agree with your comments. It just seems now that those 4/5 years were a total mistake, or even that they don't even exist in Maiden's history, but some fans were totally in it. For some, those years are just like an unhappy parenthesis in an otherwise glorious history, but at the time, this made sense. Dickinson wasn't fired, he decided to leave, and they had to take a new departure. Steve decided to pick up a singer with a completly new style. The material they wrote for X Factor perfectly suited his voice (or at least I think so, and I rate XF very highly), the problem being Blaze not being confortable with the old songs (or some of them). I think Steve has got to be credited for choosing a singer with new material in mind, and not someone who would be Bruce's clone.
I am happy with the way things have happened. I have seen some downsides with Blaze in the nineties, but also cherish the upsides. And I was happy too when my two old heroes returned. Very happy. But I'll never say these years were a mistake. I still don't expect Maiden to state anything of the kind. If they do, then they'd stab some people in the back, both ex and current members.

Although they could mention that they handled things wrong with Blaze (choosing difficult songs to sing live and other problems stated by Blaze in his official biography Ranko talked about). Blaze has told his side openly, and I hope he can do it again on the next chapter. Maiden hasn't been too open about things. We'll see what they do.
In a very important way I think the modern era Maiden material couldn't have happened without the 90's material.
And yes it should be interesting to see how Maiden treat the 90's, that could potentially be awkward territory. But I think they'll probably treat it as what happened, happened, no big deal.
From the interviews I've seen, they don't seem to shy away from much, and appear to be pretty open.
I think that one major reason for kicking Blaze was that he simply couldn't handle touring with Maiden. They had to cancel large portions of their American legs on both tours because Blaze called in. Of course, it may be coincidence, or bad luck, that Blaze happened to get ill both times, but even that shows that he wasn't up for it. Maiden have always had a comparatively grueling touring schedule, and they have no use for a member with frail health. So either way, it doesn't matter if the tours made Blaze sick, or he was just prone to catching tour-ending diseases, he wasn't stable enough for a Maiden tour.
In his official biography, Blaze said that the "tour" Rod booked for him and Davey to promote X Factor was just too difficult for him. Considering these were just interviews and not actual shows, I assume you are perfectly right.
Hello all haven't posted in a while but I have been enjoying the new DVD and thought I would chime in with some thoughts.

The documentary touched on one of my "Maiden Mysteries" that I have been curious about for a long time: the floating spaceships on the SIT tour that they did not use when I saw them in Corpus Christi ,Texas

. A friend who saw them in Houston on the SIT tour told me about the gig and he said"Man those spaceships and astronauts floating around at the beginning were awesome!" I was saddened that the band weren't able to put on the whole production in Corpus probably the venue was too small :(

I so wish we had a official video of that tour with all the production..I have the bootleg SIT in Paris and Sweden DVD's that I'm sure most of you have seen but A "proper" video would be awesome and probably the holy grail to me! Up The Irons!
Considering Wolfsbane never really made it outside of the UK, that's not surprising. Just a small Maiden album promotion tour probably had more dates on it than a full Wolfsbane tour :p
That footage was probably uploaded from a DVD or a DVD rip at least!. But there might be different versions out there..Some cleaner than others. Still, I think this is the kind of quality you have to expect, compared to others Paris show is rather good quality :p Philadelphia is still much better. Check that one out!