Lightning Strikes Twice

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How good is Lightning Strikes Twice on a scale of 1-10?

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Hi, I've reopened this song for voting, after resetting the votes.

Please add your vote for this song and consider the following tips:

  • Try to be consistent across the Iron Maiden catalogue. Don't vote based on the place on the album, but the place in the overall catalogue.
  • 1 should be the worst Iron Maiden songs, 10 should be the best. You can have lots of 10s and 1s as you see fit.
  • Don't vote based on other people's votes. IE, if you think a song is overrated, don't give it a 1 or 2 just because you think it's getting "too high" of votes.
This song breaks my heart. It could very well be an all time top 30 Maiden song. Great melodic start, songwriting tailored and very fitting for Blaze's voice. The lyrics are good written as well and the build up sensational with menacing riffs in the background. Up to now we are off for the pinnacle of Blaze's era. Then enter that chorus and everything falls apart. A fall that is more harder as the build up was made for greatness. Pity.

Lightning Strikes Twice is ranked somewhere between 137 -153 in Maiden's catalogue.