Good morning Maidenfans! (I thought I'd steal Dr EW's line)
Finally, a good night's rest. It was nice to wake all by myself, no outside influence this morning. To the sun shining brightly, and the temp warming up slightly. House is quiet while my girls sleep-- as teenagers, they can sleep in quite late. However, to get them moving, I'll just throw on some dubstep when I'm ready for them to get up. That massive drop usually is enough to pop them out of bed with smiles.
I think that people would think my kids have a schizophrenic playlist, if they looked at their iPods. Maiden, Queen, Boston, Shakira (SP?), Beiber, Taylor Swift, Dubstep, Daft Punk, Adele, Beatles, Michael Jackson, Veggie Tales, and I think some Depeche Mode and Vanilla Ice.