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I was there, yeah, and so was most of the BG metal community. Back then, it was the biggest Sodom gig ever, and I don't know if they ever surpassed it afterwards.
Last year, on the very same day 31 years later (was supposed to be 30 years later but covid and all), they had a great gig in Sofia again. And they were even better than in 1991, not everybody can boast that.

See, now I feel bad, because it was supposed to be a reminiscence of something else (*cough, Montségur in the picture game :ninja: )...
When I first arrived on this board I thought you were a bloke and @CriedWhenBrucieLeft was a girl - not because of the names but because of your respective general outlooks ... :confused:

I remember Cried trying to convince me he was a girl outright, some time ago (back when it was still him), just to fuck with me.

On the contrary, with @Brigantium I was immediately (subconsciously) thinking about her as a bird because of the Reaper theme - my brain was like, "hey, Children of Bodom - must be a bonny lass" :innocent:
When I first arrived on this board I thought you were a bloke and @CriedWhenBrucieLeft was a girl - not because of the names but because of your respective general outlooks ... :confused:

Nah, I always thought "Brigantium" was a really cool username - probably because I immediately picked up on the reference: the ancient British kingdom of the North East :cool:
I'm not sure why I find it so amusing that you thought Cried was female!
The three randoms:

I don’t remember how it happened but I knew Brigantium was a woman right from start. Also what Brigantium was: A horse she used to ride.

I’m listening to Perfect Strangers and there’s a verse “and if you hear me talking to the wind”
Guess you use this phrase when you meet someone you already know but talking to him/her as if you were perfect strangers?

Every time I hear the word Sodom this is what I think: Gomor