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-10°C is pretty nice, -30°C is where it gets a bit annoying.

I have run at -7°C in Shanghai wearing tights, woolen hat, gloves and light anti-wind jacket above tee shirt.
In Oslo I’d need more that that for this temperature.

It’s not about temperature, it’s the fjord inside the city. -10°C in Shanghai is pretty manageable.
I wanted to run this morning but this rain disheartened me.
Last year I was running with tee shirt and shorts with down to 3 deg Celsius, but all that seems too far now…

Also fjord being so close to the city, plus ant sea wind that goes with it, adds to that cold. It’s not just temperature..
When you run at night do you have a fear of the dark.
I wanted to run this morning but this rain disheartened me.
Last year I was running with tee shirt and shorts with down to 3 deg Celsius, but all that seems too far now…

Also fjord being so close to the city, plus ant sea wind that goes with it, adds to that cold. It’s not just temperature..
I went for a run last night got home at 2 mins to midnight.
-10°C is pretty nice, -30°C is where it gets a bit annoying.

-30 is when I stay indoors, please. In the places where I have lived, that's a temperature we don't see. It has been close a few times though. In the inland regions of Norway -30 is more common.

I have not experienced that in Oslo but then again, -10 here feels worse than -20 when you get away from the sea/fjord.