Last Son of The Miracle
I started this week sans band. Then by Tuesday I had a rehearsal with a band.
This happened on Monday, and it went surprisingly well. It's a blues-rock type band, not entirely my cup of tea but the other guys are all solid musicians and fun to play with (oo-er!). Done a couple of covers that came together very easily and a few of the singer's originals. Those needed a bit of work, but sounded great for a first attempt.
By Thursday I had a possible gig for next Saturday with said band.
This got cancelled and un-cancelled a couple of times after the Queen's passing, but now isn't going ahead. It's a shame, but I must admit I was feeling a bit of pressure having only starting learning the songs less than a week prior. Still, it would've been a bit of fun, plus we'd get paid for it. But, never mind. Onwards and upwards.