Good luck, that sounds pretty exciting!
Anyway, looks like that is fairly close to happening and I might be spending the better part of the next several years in Europe. My wife is on board, if our dog could speak I am guessing she would be a no vote (hates cold and snow).
Everybody, best stay out some of these Senjutsu threads before you have heard the album a couple of days or weeks. Some of the negativity out there is not really a nice sight to behold. It feels... too quick in judgement, sometimes only focusing on negative aspects.
(I had my moments too on some previous albums but never disqualified such a big part of it, not that much)
Amazon have screwed up. "Something went wrong with your download". The whole of Disc 2 doesn't seem to be available yet. Pillocks. Going to have to listen to a crappy streamed version