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Not shocking.
You're all Nazis compared to me.

I think the last time I did this I was closer to the Perun area. I've become much more progressive in my old age, endorsing things like total decriminalization of drugs and a strong basic income.
I'll just say .. a lot of these questions are pretty loaded

Also, some of them are phrased badly, I might disagree with some statement, and my reason may be a left leaning reason for disagreeing with it, but I know that for that particular question an answer stating "disagree" is going to be interpreted as a right wing opinion.
I lost some points in libertarian because of two to three answers that immediately evoked edge cases. I am pro-rehabilitation, against death penalty however I do not believe we should even try rehabilitating someone like Chikatilo. Don't google, it's about children and it's above and beyond any sort of redemption.

Also the questionnaire does not go into left or right too much, it seems very USA type centrist. For societal issues I'm a lot of liberal but for economical issues you can't just clamp us all into one box that's about "regulation of corporations".
I think my dot wandered slightly to the right because I didn't always say I strongly support government regulation in economy, less out of idealism and more out of observation. I think the compass is somewhat flawed, many important issues aren't touched upon and the questions are exactly as they were 20 years ago.