Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Pre football checklist.
Afternoon run - done.
Shower - had.
Dinner - prepared and eaten
Dishes - done
TV channel - selected.
National anthem - sung.
Beer - opened.

Now it's up to the players to provide the entertainment.
If someone is just going talk down to me like my opinion isn’t worth the time of day, then no, there is no reason I should say anything more to them than “ok boomer”.
I actually gave you a gentle, thoughtful, detailed answer, and your response was the equivalent of “fuck off you old fart”. I don’t see any reason to try to be gentle after that.
You forgot “condescending”.
If answering your question truthfully requires me to point out a lack of experience or wisdom on your part, I’m not sure how it would be possible to do that without it being able to be interpreted as condescending from your end.

When you’re young and relatively inexperienced, you regularly encounter things that are in fact the greatest thing you’ve ever experienced in certain areas. You’re expanding your horizons and learning. Once you’ve been around a while and already done a lot of that, you have a much better idea of what the full ranges actually are, and you can put things in perspective more clearly. It’s harder to impress you, because you’ve already experienced a lot of truly impressive things. That’s how life is. Hopefully by the time some young whipper-snapper starts making fun of your advanced age you’ll already understand this.
I've had yoghurt mixed with oatmeal and whole lingonberries for breakfast today and yesterday for the first time. No sugar, so it's quite a strong flavor. :) I was hoping it might keep me fuller for longer, but it wasn't very effective. Well, at least it's healthy.