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Det är jag säker på. Myself, I don't think I'm that cool in any language. (And to be honest, my Swedish is ok, but it's nowhere near perfect.)
Jättebra, LC! :bigsmile: You know, I used to teach Swedish. It's an obligatory subject in Finnish schools, so there's a need for Swedish teachers. Or there used to be a need for language teachers, but then there wasn't anymore... but that's another story.
I think it was surströmming that was mentioned on a Swedish cooking show on TV once. They asked passers-by in Sweden if they like surströmming. Every single person smiled and mentioned that it's always eaten with snaps. I got the impression that people just loved the snaps, and couldn't care less about the strömming. In Finland, we would just drink raw vodka on an empty stomach, without bothering to eat anything.
I may have to admit I'm not really a proper Finn, because I only drink five times a week.

Just kidding. Five times a year, and no spirits. Kind of an embarrassment for the whole nation really.