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Life has become almost entirely virtual. This afternoon's programme:
1. 2,5 hours of Teams meeting
2. Short break
3. 2,5 hours of Open University Zoom lecture
In Greece, if it weren't for the masks you need to wear in a supermarket, you wouldn't even think there was Corona at all. I almost forgot virtual life existed.
4. Making notes in GMAC notebook.
Tell you what, I had a hunch it'd be too much for me. When the lecture started, I got the aura of a migraine on my eye. I could only listen to the lecture, and not actually see it. So, I don't think I'll be able to vote on the Cup tonight. :confused: Fortunately there's still time tomorrow...
Trivia: Dong is a Chinese name for boys and means "Winter". A winter song is a Dong Song. If it´s an epic it´s a Long Dong Song. A summer epic song played during winter is a Wrong Long Dong Song. If this song is rather popular it´s a Strong Wrong Long Dong Song.
Trivia: Dong is a Chinese name for boys and means "Winter". A winter song is a Dong Song. If it´s an epic it´s a Long Dong Song. A summer epic song played during winter is a Wrong Long Dong Song. If this song is rather popular it´s a Strong Wrong Long Dong Song.

Trivia: Piccadilly is a funny name for Estonians (if you’re a kid) because it sounds like “pika tilli” which means “long dick’s”.