Black Abyss Babe
Slava Ukraini!
Cried has changed his avatar. He's alive!

But not because Cried kicked it ...The Bucket Awakens
Smite him, O Lord Cried!Not that clown again, fuck sake
Good gig? Was he much craic?Me and Bobby:
Hey, Niall, it was a hell of a gig. He's in really good shape and pretty well sobered up. I think they played about 10 songs. Amazingly doomy sound, very low end heavy mix.Good gig? Was he much craic?
Listening to Running Wild at the minute so I dont think Pentagram will do it just now but what do you recommend for the uninitiated?
Like, they will boycott Nestle and give out to me for munchin on a tasty Yorkie while they drink a Jack and Coke.
Can I ask why one would boycott Nestle? Only I've got a box of their cereal in the cupboard, need to know if I should throw it away in disgust.
Can I ask why one would boycott Nestle? Only I've got a box of their cereal in the cupboard, need to know if I should throw it away in disgust.