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Singing while drinking?
Since I referred to a transition happening at the age of 10, the answer is no :D The method you mention came later ...

You were in space?
It did feel so :) Of course you, being a native speaker of the English language, know that pressure does not always refer to the physical property that can also be expressed as force divided by area, and if you would make a slightly bigger effort you would be able to deduce that I was not referring to said physical property.

That pressure would only be 60 mbar or so lower than at ground level, since I was mostly flying between 2000 and 2500 ft AGL.
Well, I do have one particular singing experience from the year I turned 13. We were leaving the school where we had spent six years, to join another school for grades 7 through 9. To mark that, we were compelled to arrange a show (with acting and singing) with all our teachers - and parents - as audience. I was told by one of the girls in my class that the song I was supposed to sing would sound better if I raised the key - and stupid me listened to her and did so, with disastrous results. I went right into voice crack territory and gave my classmates something to remind me of for the next three years.
Welcome to the article 13 era. Authors of music/lyrics in counries like Slovenia, where thieves are at the helm of the only organisation where you can register the rights to your own song, will be fucked. Hard.
article 13 is a complete joke. i can't fucking believe it was actually approved.

Thats simply because those cunts thete don't know what they are voting on. They don't know what a complete joke YT filters are. They don't know that some countries have stupid author's rights organisations. Etc.
The fucking EU eh?

Well, as an inhabitant of a stupid small country, we (Slovenians) can't do anything about it, except make another law in our country that will allow our author's rights organisation (whose boss is an "author" of a song that suspicously sounds almost exactly like Bon Jovi's Never Say Goodbye with Slovenian lyrics and pays himself travelling expenses like he is travelling home and back 28 times each working day) to sue a website because they used your song and then pocket the lawsuit money for themselves without notifying you.

The new author's rights law is suicidal for countries like us, who have big problems on a local level with them. And authors will soon be dry-fucked even more regularly.