Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

1) Use a bowl that is about the right size to just contain two Weetabix lying flat (mine is approx 7cm diameter with a flat base and straight sides, and in fact could have been designed for the purpose),
2) Fill until the milk is about level with the top of the Weetabix,
3) Then scoff really quickly before the whole lot turns to mush!

I find that's pretty much foolproof :D.

Sound advice, I'll have to give that a try. But only two Weetabix? Now I feel greedy for eating three. :p
I read this as BQOBD
Well, Wetherspoons can't do their job properly. We decided to do that thing where you post your table number on Facebook then people on your friends list order you food. Well we got a few drinks and puddings from that through someone's friend, but then a waitress came over and delivered food to the wrong table, but because we were doing that thing we assumed it was ours and took it. Then of course the manager comes over and throws a paddy saying we've stolen food and shit, so we had to pay for it then fucked off. Do your job properly

Was good chicken tho;)
That sounds fairly standard for Wetherspoons. Whenever they tell us something is off the menu, we usually ask them if the chef can rustle something up, which either amuses or annoys the staff.

In other news, I'm learning to play Dave's Powerslave solo, and like it twice as much now.
The Wetherspoons app is usually a bit of a shambles. One of the 'Spoons here had a massive problem one evening with getting food to the correct tables.
We wanted to go up and give them a piece of our mind but the friend organising it is military and said he was too disciplined to argue so we just paid and left, probably a wise idea tbh