Meme Only Account
I just didn't think people recorded things anymore.
Sky box.Recorded?
Only kidding, I really chartered a NASA research aircraft, flew through a hurricane and broke the plane a bit. Then we called in the NTSB to investigate and filmed the whole thing.Recorded?
It should get your vote even then.Maiden will always get my vote! Unless Angel And The Gambler is involved.
It's something else that's rising...However, the population numbers are actually going down instead of rising...
You can always ditch your mates mid-hangout, you know.My face when my crush finally and unexpectedly asks me if I wanna chill but I've already gone out to hang out with mates for the evening
You can always ditch your mates mid-hangout, you know.
You can always ditch your mates mid-hangout, you know.