Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Hard to explain. There's a website where you pick a country and then go and register and pay for stuff. My bookmark was for one country instead of the main page, and it worked splendidly until one time I needed to pick a different country and pay for something, and I forgot to change it because there was no "select a country". Major pain in the ass. Hopefully it'll be resolved. Lesson for the future, I guess.
In actuality he was sitting there wearing nothing but his Norwegian flag underwear. ;)
Just had a very interesting evening at fencing. We had a chap in who hadn't been to the club in quite a while, I didn't strongly recognise him. While he was plugging himself in for a bout, I overheard him mention Bruce Dickinson, so I asked him what he was talking about.

Turns out back in the 80s it must have been, he met Bruce at a small fencing competition. At the time, Bruce was using a very unique sword handle (no one seems to know how he got it) and this guy actually managed to buy it off him! So this dirty manky old handle on his fencing sword had actually belonged to and been custom built by Bruce back in the day. He even tried to get it replicated by the company, but they couldn't do it.

Only a handle, but I'm awestruck all the same:p

He also bought one of his fencing bags, but it was shitty and broke after 4 weeks.
What is your job Prowler?
Customer service basically.

It's not that hard. And the co-workers are cool. I know how to do everything easily, the only problem is time and customers calling all the time to tell me to hurry up. Then I do hurry up and mistake shitfests like today happen.
Just had a very interesting evening at fencing. We had a chap in who hadn't been to the club in quite a while, I didn't strongly recognise him. While he was plugging himself in for a bout, I overheard him mention Bruce Dickinson, so I asked him what he was talking about.

Turns out back in the 80s it must have been, he met Bruce at a small fencing competition. At the time, Bruce was using a very unique sword handle (no one seems to know how he got it) and this guy actually managed to buy it off him! So this dirty manky old handle on his fencing sword had actually belonged to and been custom built by Bruce back in the day. He even tried to get it replicated by the company, but they couldn't do it.

Only a handle, but I'm awestruck all the same:p

He also bought one of his fencing bags, but it was shitty and broke after 4 weeks.
That's way beyond freaking amazing!
I’ve nearly slept in two days in a row but my brain has been good enough to wake me. The uni campus is looking real good.