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I think you'd have the minimum required for a basic private pilot's licence here now, then, you'd just need to do a test.
Were you completely alone in the aircraft, or was it like, you flew the entire time but the instructor was inside too just in case? Either way, congrats! :D
I see. Probably comparable to the LAPL within EASA then. It allows you to fly light aircraft with up to 4 on board (like the C172) but compared to a standard PPL, it is more difficult to extend.

So, what was today's flying like? Well, I turned up early and inspected the aircraft, had to replenish the oil, and was ready shortly past 8 AM. The chief instructor turned up and we just jumped in and started up the aircraft. After departure, we headed out to the airwork area where the clouds were more than high enough for us to have some fun. After showing off my skills in slow flight, steep turns and stall recovery, it was time for a new element that is the closest I've been to aerobatics: Spin prevention. Instructor took the controls, slowed the aircraft to stall speed and kicked full left rudder. Suddenly we were going sideways towards Mother Earth! Full opposite rudder, pull out of the dive gently and add power to regain the lost altitude. Then it was time for me to do the recovery part, and we did it 3-4 times before we both were happy. Then we did a simulated emergency landing before heading back to the airfield, did one normal landing and two with power to idle from key point, and then ... once having turned off the runway, the instructor told me to stop, then he left, and I was allowed to make one circuit on my own. The plane felt so much lighter! I had a hard time believing the vertical speed indicator at first.

The landing was not perfect, but decent. The aircraft is light enough that it feels quite different when 70 kg instructor is no longer on board!

To be continued ...
I had booked one more lesson today, the first proper solo lesson. As the club school's syllabus requires, the first solo lesson consists of some circuits flown dual (i.e. with instructor) followed by solo.

So my instructor for today turned up, we taxed out and took off and made two landing circuits before he jumped out and I was once again on my own. Started up again, and made five circuits. Then I headed out to the practice area again, called Oslo Approach to ask for clearance up to 4000ft ... and realized the clouds wouldn't allow me to go any higher than 2500. So, no stall practice on my own. Did some more steep turns and slow flight before heading back to the airfield to do five more landings.

On my second to last landing, I finally got an excellent one and hope I didn't press the transmit button while shouting "YES" in the cockpit. But how long did the joy last? After I called "full stop landing" on the last one, I was surprised by a nasty gust of crosswind, started drifting across on short final and had no option but to apply full power and go around. Came back for a final landing and taxied back to the parking area, had a chat with the instructor and handed the aircraft keys to the next student to use it.

I'll remember September 5th 2018 for a while!
One of my colleagues had his car broken into while on holiday in the middle of nowhere in North Wales last week. All that was stolen was his girlfriend's make-up bag and knitting. They didn't look in the bag on the child's seat that had a phone and £30 in cash or in the boot where there was two laptops. Shit thieves.
So there I am in a bar in Montenegro and they are playing some kind of folk pop type stuff, 5 guys are singing every word. I start to tell my comrade of how someone here introduced me to the ridiculously named genre of Turbo Folk and how Maiden ripped off a riff grom some tune. Two minutes later, boom, theres the riff. It was the actual song NP shared on here one time. Small world.
Montenegro gets a bad rap on here but I must say that I am having a ball. From cocktails at a rave by the beach to cocktails in old town squares. Plus I can smoke in restaurants. Whats not to like???
Smoking in restaurants is revolting but Montenegro sounds great. Have you told them about Night Prowler and his hatred for the country and everyone in it? He lives in Belgrade by the way.