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Dislocation. Thanks, it's nothing pain-wise but I'll have to see about some exercises for reinforcement.
Fuck, Abigail really is such a fucking phenomenal album. I feel like I've been possessed; this is better than Operation: Mindcrime and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son combined. How the fuck did I not care for it for so long? Goddamn it's so good....
I've been doing that for years. Got multiple fake accounts with different personalities on social media. They have their own back stories and their own ways of talking and writing.

If it's not very painful, let me guess it's not the first time it happens?

Exactly. First time I somersaulted over the bike's front wheel on a downhill track, in technical terms I ejected myself from the vehicle. Landed on my right shoulder with full force, the speed was almost zero but the flip/fall was surely like 1-1.5 meters, I'm about 95 kg and the shoulder payed dearly for being my landing coushin.

Now we were playing some waterpolo-like passes and I just tried to throw the ball at some distance. Instead of the ball, I throw both the ball and the arm.

I need to get some professional physical rehab, it's "ok" to fuck up your joint if you fall from a vehicle but doing it just by making a sudden movement of your limb says it didn't heal properly the 1st time around.
I've been doing that for years. Got multiple fake accounts with different personalities on social media. They have their own back stories and their own ways of talking and writing.