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Awesome. One of my friends goes pier fishing on a weekly basis and they're using drones now to drop the angle like a precision guided bomb :)
Fishing is a big thing in my part of Scotland too. A lot of the towns and villages on the east coast from Dundee past Aberdeen towards Inverness are formed around old fishing communities. These regions were actually much more in favour of leaving the EU than the rest of Scotland (even a majority in some places) due to objections to the EU's fishing and farming policies. The same regions also voted Conservative for the first time in 30 years at last year's general election, which must be in some part due to support for Brexit.
I liked this club salmon sandwich I had once in Thessaloniki. Also last year I was at a lunch for someone's birthday at a fancy seafood restaurant. Had a lobster and black risotto which were both awesome, but that place isn't a place where you go often due to it being expensive af.

Otherwise I don't eat seafood and never make it at home.
I'm not a big fan of like...sitting on a pier with a rod (Adrian Smith-style). But I do like eating fresh fish!
In my old part-time job my line manager was female (I assume she still is) but she was basically nonexistent as a manager. The two most frequent duty managers were both arseholes, one male and one female.