Dr. Eddies Wingman
Brighter than thousand_suns
Perun what was the topic at hand?
The topic of my lecture today: The Assassins.
Perun what was the topic at hand?
The topic of my lecture today: The Assassins.
Attacking people's methodology is also a handy way of undermining someone's conclusions if you don't personally agree with them or find it contradicts your own work.
Perun what was the topic at hand?
This was actually what I had in mind (well, I admit it might have been a tad hard to discern under those puerile remarks, but anyway) - apart from the general confusion between methodology and method, people (especially in the academic environment) tend to really misuse these words very often. Hence my interest in what makes Per's methodology fundamentally flawed - i. e. meaning that his assessment and evaluation (or possibly the choice) of methods used for his assassin research is wrong on the very basic level (and whether is that even possible). Sounds weird to me, anyway.
A little kid with a Legacy of the Beast shirt walked past my house a moment ago.
Should have covered the Dromedary inscriptions as well, Per.
The essence is, Maiden is still attracting new fans. The generation after us. Those who could've been grandchildren of the band members.
Wrong.A Purgatory or Killers shirt, yes
No Hope, I knew it.Wrong.