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I noticed they had vending machines of all sizes at German workplaces I've visited. The norm here are espresso machines.
*Perun walks to the coffee machine in the break room*
*Perun presses his usual routine of "no sugar, without cup, double size black coffee*
*Perun waits until coffee is done*
*Perun opens the lid and reaches for the coffee, but grabs thin air because he did not put in his cup*
*Perun concludes he is absent-minded and should become a professor*

I've done that though, or something similar. I did remember the cup, but didn't check it was properly in and it turned out it wasn't under all of the nozzles. I ended up with a cup of frothed milk and no coffee - oops ... :innocent:
I'm back from a week of skiing. No injuries this year.
