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Goodness! Mine is just 4 years younger than me, and I sometimes feel I have two kids...
Don't tell anyone. :ninja:
I think this may be fairly common, judging by what I've heard from various work colleagues. My mother used to say the same, and Dad was seven years older than her :).
So one of the things I got for Christmas was a DNA test that traces your ethnicity. Well the results are in, and it looks like I'm damn near purebred Eastern European

I finally got the picture to upload correctly.

It's not really too surprising, since both of my grandparents on my fathers side were born in Czechoslovakia, buts it's cool to see the percentages and everything that's all there.
What to get the person who has everything ...

Actually I think that's quite a cool idea for a present :).
It actually started because my mom got a test for the family dog since it was a rescue dog from a shelter and we were all curious about what breeds he mainly consisted of. Since that worked out well, her, me, and my niece all took DNA tests to see all the breeds WE consisted of. :p
It actually started because my mom got a test for the family dog since it was a rescue dog from a shelter and we were all curious about what breeds he mainly consisted of. Since that worked out well, her, me, and my niece all took DNA tests to see all the breeds WE consisted of. :p

Coulda ended worse, then...
