Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

LooseCannon said:
You guys all suck for not replying to my Twickingham thread.
Spell it right, and I may consider replying. :P

Oh bugger, I already have.
Alright, partner.  Keep on rollin' baby.  You know what time it is.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Chocolate starfish!
Keep on rollin' baby!

Move in then move out
Hands up and hands down
Back up, back off
Tell me what you're gonna do now
Breathe in then breathe out
Hands up and hands down
Back up, back off
Tell me what you're gonna do now

Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin
Yeah keep rollin rollin rollin rollin
What keep rollin rollin rollin rollin
Who keep rollin rollin rollin rollin

Well I know y'all be loving this shit right here
L I M P Bizkit is right here
People in the house put your hands in the air
Cause if you don't care then we don't care

I forget the rest.
Good one LC!  I kinda like the line in 'Break Stuff': 

"Its just one of those days, when you don't wanna wake up
everything is fucked, every body sucks,
you don't really know why, but you wanna justify ripping somebody's face off

...if my day keeps going this way, i mite just break your fucking face tonite."

can't count the days i've felt that way!!
Pointless trivia time: The actor who played the young Tommy in the film of the same name, I went to school with.

Told you it was pointless. :D