Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

At this rate, we will get to 1100 before Valentines Day. :D

So the kiss of death has been planted firmly on the lips of this thread. Now watch it crawl along slowly for the next few days. :(
Where is LC? I thought he was 'watching this thread'.

Why watch the thread at 10XXX posts? He accomplished what he wanted..... or did he? Tune in to the Sherlock and Holmes thread for more exciting details.
This is rather pitiful. I sat here for a few minutes to try and think of something to say - but all I could think of saying was this drivel.
Guess that's what happens when it gets 80 posts the previous day. Total brain malfunction the day following.... droooooooling.....
fdjklvoivgsdfjklvhvv ljkgdcvlmdovdcv dvndfvkl    fsvnjvj lknsoaslj  la;/isdfh nvlhdfo kjv vln hf jfo lfdkj
NP: Eucharist - Demons

You will never see the light of day again, for the darkness shall be your shelter...forever!
fdjklvoivgsdfjklvhvv ljkgdcvlmdovdcv dvndfvkl    fsvnjvj lknsoaslj  la;/isdfh nvlhdfo kjv vln hf jfo lfdkj

ladkfgowierugf wdqlirfvhqiwuv wqliefviqwurvb uwiehceiwu !!!!! hahahahaha
DUDE! ndjkdomdodieudfnvm,z;a ,cjsdkoddmdifmcj jdfkdfjov kdvnmiod;a djkdk hahahaha

Hahahahaha, sdjbncvioud weouhquhv owequ euu wqeoufoquvwqeo! And furthermore, wuevwieu weivubiw WIEUBFWIUBF  :yey:
Hell yeah! I got 10100.