Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

you two found it almost the same time !!

next go up image for today : Deep Purple

Deano said:
I do like them but do have to reluctantly admit that one of their concerts is the only one I have ever fallen asleep at.

woops  :huh:

np : black night, Deep Purple

dedicated to my friend ABandOn
np : child in time

Deano said:
Great, I'll give it a listen. Is it a unique sound or do they resemble another band? I am asking all this but I am sure once I listen to it, I'll realize I've heard it before.

it's been a long time, I didn't listen (since the years when my nick was Dean  ;)) but I don't remember to have other reflections while listenning to it

the only thing I remember is a general WOW from everyone there -also every time I was listening to it -exept that WOW-
it was a surprise for me -a record to be heard from the beggining to the end
Cool, thanks for the info. I look forward to seeing if this is going to be a watching The Wall kind of WOW.
maybe not so WOW, because I will be not next to you to explaine you evry little hidden story behind the songs,
every art-giant that's contributing inside  :smartarse:

I had my first listen with a Child's expert, and he explained a lot of things
so in my case I was equally WOWed with the The Wall movie...and I just told you why

and as a lot of people here, I was really WOWed by the Wall, and Pink Floyd generally
Yeah, I may have problems finding some Aphrodites Child experts but I have limited intelligence and slight motivation so I may be able to figure out some things.....  :lol:
yeah, the behind the curtains things help to get wowed

in the case of Pink Floyd, we didn't need these knowledges !!
the whole thing was enough to get us wowed enough

but I have limited intelligence and slight motivation so I may be able to figure out some things.....

yes of course you will

np: flight of the rat -3rd time in a row in my winamp  :wub: :wub:
maybe a bit of Tom Waits would be all right after 4 listennings  :D of Flight of the Rat

np : Tom Waits -I'll be Gone

-from the classic Franks Wild Years

33 till the end of the world
you are, since over six months now  ;)

I remember a post of you somewhere in the general conversation forum,
that I liked a lot -I remember you since then