Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

My 6th year at uni (8th if you count the first 2 years studying something else before I transferred to political sciences) started today. Hopefully the last one.
This sounds like the slowest degree ever. What have you been doing for the last eight years? :eek: I've been at university for what seems like an eternity (but to me this is nothing but a short while) but I've progressed from one thing to the next.

And politics is not a science!
Nope, just a quick maneuver. RTG looks ok. Still hurts like hell, and I can't do the Leonardo's Human position with right side at all.
Guy in Poland sends request by Email.
My colleague asks him (not for the first time) to put me in cc in future.
Guy replies something to the effect of, "sorry, your photo in your signature is so pretty it got me distracted."
I think, "wow, talk about primitive."
My colleague is like "tee-hee-hee-hee"

And people wonder why sexism in a professional environment is still a thing...
Nope, just a quick maneuver. RTG looks ok. Still hurts like hell, and I can't do the Leonardo's Human position with right side at all.
Not surprising that it still hurts. Some ligaments or tendons have probably received their fair share of punishment. You'll probably have to do tedious training to get the shoulder back to normal function. Anyway, I wish you a speedy (well, as speedy as possible*) recovery :)

*) I'm speaking from experience. I had a less severe injury to my left shoulder last winter and despite careful training it's not yet completely pain-free (but much better).
Guy in Poland sends request by Email.
My colleague asks him (not for the first time) to put me in cc in future.
Guy replies something to the effect of, "sorry, your photo in your signature is so pretty it got me distracted."
I think, "wow, talk about primitive."
My colleague is like "tee-hee-hee-hee"

And people wonder why sexism in a professional environment is still a thing...

So the Polish guy basically admitted he is not thinking with the head that rests on the top of his spine.
This sounds like the slowest degree ever. What have you been doing for the last eight years?
Studied organizational sciences at one uni for 2 years, then completely gave up, and got into a different uni via entrance exam. It lasts 4 years, I just didn't finish everything in that time, hence why I had to take 2 additional years.
In case anyone wonders why I haven't said anything in the Bruce (related) topics. I avoid these like the plague because I want to finish the book before reading anything about it.

I liked the presentation in London, I was there with Nush. The atmosphere was good, there was humour and it was in a beautiful location (a theatre that opened as a 1930s cinema). The only thing that lacked a bit: Was it very interesting? Well, not that much really. Not to a Maiden nerd being (also) interested in details on the musical side of his journey.