Adrian Smith played live at least one solo from each respective guitarist that was ever a part of Iron Maiden's recording history. Even the ones from the most important Maiden-related axeman that was actually never in Maiden. He played both Stratton solos and Cairns solo on early days, and Gers/Murray/Z solos while in Dickinson's outfit.
His TOAD rendition is better than Z's. The solo is mid paced and vibrato heavy and is really Smith territory. Powerslave Murray solo is one of the best ever played but Smith's picking sounds different enough for for it to have its own merit, but it can't really top the original. What I like about both of these solos, is the fact that original renditions are back-to-back with Smith. Here he does everything by himself, a minute, minute and a half worth of dynamic soloing, which is a new for Maiden (related) world.
The third Icarus solo Smith does better than Murray. The TM solo though, is same as Gers so we have a faithful cover. The early days solos are good and different than originals, and definitely way better than originals if he played it recently (Early Days, as opposed to 1981 or so). The Cairns solo on Strange World is my favourite Di'Anno era solo together with H's Prodigal Son. Smith's version on Maiden Japan is in completely different style.
Smith doesn't have a problem playing other people's solos in a way that comes out adequate or simply better. We're not talking pub covers, we're talking setlist staples on a proper tour. A feat yet to be accomplished by any other Maiden guitarist.