Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I just stopped to think and ... why would anyone celebrate the fact they had a XXXth reply or post on a fucking forum? You lot, stop rooting yer sisters and move out your Ma's basement, this is getting unhealthy.
I just stopped to think and ... why would anyone celebrate the fact they had a XXXth reply or post on a fucking forum? You lot, stop rooting yer sisters and move out your Ma's basement, this is getting unhealthy.
The fact that this started out as some sort of challenge over 15 years ago makes it pretty noteworthy, I'd say.
NP got the post, I got the reply. Stolen too fast, too soon. :(

This shall go down in Maidenfans history as The Day Somebody Fucked With Us.
Which brings up a good point: when we do hit 100,000 posts (if we do, maybe someone will delete the forum at post 99999), what happens next? Does the goal extend to 200000, does the thread get locked, do we all die, etc?