Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I'm jumping on that bandwagon.  As the saying goes:  "Every day i am forced to add another name to the list of people that can kiss my ass!"  (the permanant list continues to gain momentum)
Today wasn't too bad.  Tuesday was bad though.  I dislike Tuesdays normally, and this Tuesday was a rather large stool dumped on my doorstep... :(
Tuesday's gone  .. with the wind  ..  my baby's gone .. with the wind  :innocent:
It did suck though.
I submit that everyday, December - March in the northern hemisphere pretty much sucks.
OH, yeah, most days do suck when its cold and blowy outside... tuesday sucked for me till 'beers after work'.. that was ok and mind-numbing.  or maybe it was ok because it was mind numbing...
Sorry, no.  I live a stones throw from the misissippi river in illinois.  Been to DC once, but that was back in '95. 

So, I'll just go and have a few after work tonight in honor of you!  whats your choice, I'll drink one to thursdays sucking badly!
Agreed. I have class tonight anyway. Have a Sierra Nevada for me and if you can find it, pound an Arrogant Bastard Ale, that'll put you out. .... and try not to freeze out there Man. F Thursdays!!!!
Yep, I can find that, they carry it in my local grocery store!  (nothing on tap, tho)... so I'll go home and pound some for you!!  --tho, i have some studies to do myself. 

F Thursdays!!!  (that may be my new motto)
NP: "Burnt Ice" by Megadeth

One of *the* reasons why United Abominations is nevertheless a good album.

Solo - Mustaine
He said he'd try just a little bit
Solo - Mustaine
He didn't want to end up like them
Solo - Drover
And now he blames the voices of a toothless wonder
Solo - Mustaine
Pounding on the door to make the next score

Solo - Drover

Anything for a hit, any sin to pay for it
For that next bowl, he'd sell his soul

Spiral to destruction, it's too late to break the spell
He wants the ride to stop on the freight train straight to hell
Without the truth he'll never find in a dungeon of his lies
His cause of death... high speed on burnt ice
[Burnt Ice lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

Solo - Mustaine
Always looking at the ground, a broken, beaten man
Memories of his family are calling after him
He can hardly think, hardly walk
Phone keeps ringing, he can't talk
With just one hit the pain would go away
But he's dead if he does

Solo - Drover
Solo - Mustaine
Solo - Drover

Shadow people follow him everywhere he goes
Looking over his shoulder, the paranoia grows

Solo - Mustaine

EDIT: @ Onhell: Why to give it to the noobs.

Speaking of Thursday, it sucked because it blowed.  That is, the winds were so heavy that they blew and thus it sucked.
wasted155 said:
NP: "Eat the Rich"-- Motorhead  (Lemmy.... ;))

I have a few Megadeth albums, I'll check that one out!

NP: "Eat the Rich" by Aerosmith.

The album is good despite a couple talking and craptastic (that's a word) songs.  The title track and 'Amerikhastan' are to be skipped not only lyrically as they feed into the fear of Islamic jihad, but also because these two tracks have the most talking-Mustaine parts in the whole of Megadeth discography.  Talking instead of singing sucks and blows at the same time -- just like winter winds, but more so.
Speaking of sucking and blowing and all that, my friend has an excellent motto: When in doubt, f***.
I just bought a new car. Not new as in "fresh from the factory, lost value when I drove it off the lot". New as in new to me, but actually used. A 2006 Ford Focus. Sweet little vehicle.

But I'm no dummy. I have certain transportation requirements. Specifically, I needed a car with a trunk large enough to hold my bass amp. So I actually brought my amp with me to the dealer, and put it in the new car's trunk before I bought it. See, I know where my priorities are.

Now the real question ... where can I find some sweet Iron Maiden bumper stickers? Or at least a sticker that says "Buck Fush"? Or maybe I should just settle for a FSM magnet. Ramen.