Blame Wiz, he likened her to Cookie Monster. I think he meant the voice, not the blue hair.
If I walked in the door with her my mom would be damn proud.She is quite sexy, but I wouldn't want to introduce her to my mother.
She is an animal rights activist though
She gets significantly less hot in my mind when you say this. Why did you say this?
That's a good picture of her though.If I walked in the door with her my mom would be damn proud.
Lots of complex discussion about the price of potatoes.No, I haven't.
Don't forget religious/political debatesComments sections for pretty much all Youtube videos are full of aggro. You can post a video of a kitten playing with a ball of wool and you'll have complaints about posting cutesy cats, complaints about people who hate cutesy cats, complaints about dog owners, complaints about potential animal cruelty, and lots of advice about why kittens shouldn't play with wool. And probably some complaints about camera shake.