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Genghis Khan said:
I'm not sure if I'll dig it since it sounds like Anthrax (just like Megadeth and Metallica) have moved away from thrash and produce different metal these days.
Like the rest of us, none of these bands are getting younger and if they do keep producing the thrash they did in the 80's, people might as well call them Slayer. :D

I saying that, I still love Slayer and I think God Hates us All is a colossus album. :P
If big cities blow, small towns suck... I've lived in both and I can't believe I can't stand either one... though I'll take the anonimity of a big city to the fucking incestuous social hell of a small town.
I prefer medium size towns on the outskirts of a large city.

NP: Meliah Rage's comeback album - Barely Human*. A big thumbs up from me.

*OK, they did release Unfinished Business prior to this release, but that was unreleased old stuff.
I like hiding in the country side, far from my ex, but close to a good cold beer.

NP:  "Genghis Kahn" by Iron Maiden
I had almost completely forgotten about the magnificent harmony joy rides of Wesley Willis.
Allow me to quote some classic lyrics...

From "Fuck With Me And Find Out":
You think you can get away with murder
You don't know who you're fooling with
I'm going to shoot you with my BB gun

Keep on with the shit
Keep on talking shit to me, and I will bust you in your chops
Plus I'm going to knock your block off

Gingerbread knocked me to the floor
He picked up a stick and hit me upside the head once and in the back six times
He also BB'ed me in the back with his BB gun

From "Eat That Mule Shit":
Suck a hyena's ass
Suck a racehorse's dick
Suck a cheetah's ass
Lick a horse's asshole

Suck a snow leopard's ass
Suck a mountain goat's dick
Suck a caribou's asshole out
Eat that antelope shit and die, jerk!

Suck a baboon's ass
Suck a male camel's dick
Suck a Doberman pincer's cock
Suck a reindeer's smelly ass, mothafucka!

From "Cut The Mullet":
Do something about your long, filthy hair
It looks like a rat's nest
Do something about your mullet
Get out the hair clippers, jerk

Get the rat's nest off your head
Get that crazy-ass mother off your skull
Take your ass to the barber shop
Tell the barber that you're sick of looking like an asshole

The mullet is the reason why people hate you
They are sick of looking at your nappy weed-sack
Nobody wants to look at you with that mullet on your head
Why don't you cut that mullet, you numbskull

Obviously, Wesley Willis was a genius!
Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it. Sometimes I give myself the creeps. Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me. It all keeps adding up; I think I'm cracking up. Am I just paranoid, or am I stoned?
You are paranoid.  But it is also possible they are coming for you.

NP:  'Scene Six: Home' by Dream Theater
SinisterMinisterX said:
Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it. Sometimes I give myself the creeps. Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me. It all keeps adding up; I think I'm cracking up. Am I just paranoid, or am I stoned?

What don't you talk to a shrink to analyze your dreams? I'm sure it's lack of sex that's bringing you down. Talk to a whore, who'll say your life's a bore, so quit your whining, cause it's bringing HIM down.

wasted155 said:
You are paranoid.  But it is also possible they are coming for you.

Shirley Manson thinks She's paranoid...