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Roger Moore has died
And guess who scored at the weekend...


He's done it again.
Kaksteist kuud.
"Do they?"

When I was little, mother said that family friend Steve from America always found the Estonian word for "two" (kaks) funny. I guess it makes sense now.
The arena say the explosion happened outside the venue in a public area.

What I read was that it occurred in the foyer of the arena leading out to the train station, and that the foyer was unsecured as people exited the concert (suggesting that the bomber just walked right in from the train station). But that was yesterday. Any more-current reports shedding more light on this?

EDIT/Update: this article has a diagram showing the explosion happening right outside the gates and the box office; so it was not in an area that would normally have been secured. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive...e-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
I've only been through the main street entrance with the long flight of steps, not the entrance adjoining the station (where it happened). At a guess, that whole concourse area isn't technically the arena's property.

Also, British authorities didn't make those pictures and all the details public, they were supposedly shared with US authorities and someone leaked them.
I've been to Manchester a few times, but not to the Manchester Arena. I've been in the area around it though, and the zone between the arena and the Victoria train station seems a rather ideal place to cause panic. It's an area where railway meets roads meet pedestrian areas. Unlike the two big football stadiums (especially the CoMS), the area on the train station side of Manchester Arena is not very open.
I'm kind of surprised Maiden haven't put anything up on their website to say the shows are on to be honest. I know there's no reason for them to cancel them, but a few things in London have been pulled e.g. Ariana Grande's two O2 gigs the two nights before Maiden (obviously out of respect), Chelsea's open-bus parade (a drain on policing I'm sure more than anything), Wonder Woman premier (next week), etc.