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I won't be doing anything to celebrate. I find New Year to be a bit of an anti-climax. Just going to watch a film or something.
Can I ask you a question, how did you survive in Scotland growing up? I mean, didn't everyone constantly piss you off by asking you what you were doing, asking why you weren't doing anything, asking why you weren't out drinking, etc etc? I can imagine that might have been quite annoying.
Bah I asked for some Bucketheas song to put on and after 4 fucking minutes they turned it off and pit on The Eagles. Gotel fucking California. Fuckerdefuck. The sonf was nine minutes.
Bah I asked for some Bucketheas song to put on and after 4 fucking minutes they turned it off and pit on The Eagles. Gotel fucking California. Fuckerdefuck. The sonf was nine minutes.
They actually had some Buckethead? :eek:

That's pretty surprising. Nine minutes you say, was it Soothsayer perhaps?































































