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Some people work Christmas Day too. Not sure how employers get around that, probably tell staff they can have a day off in February or March, or finish half an hour early here and there. Or they're classed as self employed.
People who work in hotels get at least double pay. Some engineering work takes place on Christmas Day too. Dundee train station is in the process of getting renovated and the only day of the year they could remove the road above the tracks was Christmas Day last year - it would have happened the year before but that winter was super-stormy. :lol: Obviously the emergency services work on Christmas Day and some petrol stations stay open as well as shops owned by Asian people.
Merry Day After Maidenfans, on what is just after sunrise Boxing Day morning out here on the edge of the Earth.

My Christmas ended in scary fashion when we had to make an emergency run to the vet.
My little dog ate an entire chocolate orange. According to the internet it was a potentially fatal dose.

Fortunately he puked it up - buckets of the most pleasant smelling vomit I have ever experienced - and the vet says it was out of his system before it did any real damage. He's fine. Licking my fingers as I try to type this.

We did some math and figured it was the same as 75-kg person eating nearly 2 kg of chocolate.
It's actually a public service office, but it is a cool little property.

What I hope to be doing on Friday. (That's a shot I took of my daughter from two years ago at the spot we're heading)

"Chug" has a very different meaning in Scotland, so the idea of Nigel Farage "chugging" one before 11am is quite unpleasant.

@7:05 is the only "chug" I know of. I wanted to post the link so that it would automatically jump to the desired place but the forum won't let me.

Anyone here interested in old-school board games (and card games)? My favourite game to play is Fluxx - a card game which defining feature is that the rules and the goals change. You simply play new rules and goals as you go along. Mind-bending, and very chaotic - in a good way!