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Yeah I'm not really sure I know what you mean when you say WMP play count? Last.fm....keeps a record of everything you play and matches you up with people of similar taste. Great place to keep track of your listening and get new recommedations.
The Rush song actually kind of works in a strange way. After listening to Crawling, I don't think I'd want to listen to a Maiden song with out of key vocals.
You're probably asleep now, but what on earth were you up to?

I was at a birthday party. Everyone else went asleep but I wanted to wait till I could catch the first bus in the morning. It was a weird night, ranging from depressingly boring to immensely hilarious. I was saddened by the fact that it was a sausage fest.
Bizarre. I know a bit of software that writes a file to backup the metadata of your media library, but I don't know about restoring the metadata though.
Yeh, I've read loads about backing it up & resetting it, etc. Not seen anything about how to restore it after it's gone AWOL though. It was to do with me renaming & moving the folder around on my HD. Done this before though & didn't reset anything.
Waiting for the bus in the night in December, fucking cold. Because when you wait for the bus at this time, you've been at a party and you aren't dressed for winter. Brrrr ...