Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

It's good to be back. Missed you all.

The returns are funny though - just now I discovered that the Czech Pink Floyd forum that was down for a very long time is up again... and I logged into my profile. My profile from 2007 that had all of 38 posts, all made around the same time, when the Piper 2007 3 CD reissue was upcoming. :D I feel very nostalgic right now.
Google Translate chaidh tro ùrachadh agus tha e a rèir coltais dòigh nas fheàrr na bha iad roimhe. Wonder ma tha e gonna ruighinn ìre a tha a 'dol a chur air daoine mar mise (eadar-theangairean) a-mach à obraichean san àm ri teachd.

I have no idea if this is a good translation or not.
On the contrary, it amused me more. I think more politicians should get mocked, especially Spanish ones.
Oh, those new users...

It keeps you powerful and excited during your improved sex-related efficiency and you don’t experience exhausted at all. Consequently, Paravex you get more complex hardons. These components perform together to remove all the down sides appropriate to sex in you like erection problems. Besides that, these components have the qualities to keep away from the spread of prostate gland cancer.

I don't mind him talking to himself, but I would like to keep my hardons simple and straightforward, thank you very much. I was under the impression that blokes with complex hardons are in danger of either being on the sexual offender list or being called Lefty Donovan.

Though he's right as well - really keep away from the spread of prostate gland cancer. Stick with good old peanut butter instead.
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