Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

SinisterMinisterX said:
Only one problem there, hotshot.
The picture I posted was the single cover, not the album cover.


They have the same title so.... I'm still good!

Yax said:
Homer! Homer Simpson! He's the greatest guy in historyyyy! From the, town of Springfield blah blah *doesn't remember the rest*
Genghis Khan said:
... He's about to hit a chestnut tree.

So here is the problem. I am now going to think of that scene for the rest of the day and I will be chuckling to myself whilst I do. I am going to go to bed tonight laughing as I recall one of The Simpson's funniest scenes. My wife will ask what I am laughing at and I will then have to explain. And it will sound pretty ridiculous to her.

Thanks you two. :P
No probs, Albie!  ;)

NP: Black Sabbath, "FX" (everyone's highlight of the album)

I turned off my car ignition today and it was on 666 km.  I had no trouble turning it back on when I went home.  Just thought I'd share that with you all.
حال دل با تو گفتنم هوس است

خبر دل شنفتنم هوس است
حال دل با تو گفتنم هوس است

از رقيبان نهفتنم هوس است
طمع خام بين که قصه فاش

با تو تا روز خفتنم هوس است
شب قدري چنين عزيز و شريف

در شب تار سفتنم هوس است
وه که دردانه‌اي چنين نازک

که سحرگه شکفتنم هوس است
اي صبا امشبم مدد فرماي

خاک راه تو رفتنم هوس است
از براي شرف به نوک مژه

شعر رندانه گفتنم هوس است
If the bloody Persians wrote their bloody vowels, I'd even be able to transcribe that for you.
I'm learning their language and studying their culture. If anyone has the right to say what he wishes about them, it's me! :P
Have a look at what the Google ad has picked up on:

میزبانی وب
ر کانادا و آمریکا بیش از 5 سال تجرب

Yep, it makes less sense to me as well. :P

EDIT : lkjhklhdsqoi  :yawn:

Perun said:
I'm learning their language and studying their culture. If anyone has the right to say what he wishes about them, it's me! :P

no way !!  :ok: :ok: the best thing I've heard today !!  :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey:

your user rating is so very high, but I don't care, have a praise  :ok: :ok:

lucky you, you'll be able to read Al Khayam* one day  :wub:

[*] the French translation suck !! I've bought the rubayat in 3 (three !!!) different translations -all suck