Travis The Dragon
I've been lucky and have only been sick twice in the last 5 years or so.
Same here! (Hangovers not included.I've been lucky and have only been sick twice in the last 5 years or so.
I spy another Stephen King fanShit, I'm coming down with something too! My nose is runny and I feel weird.
It's Captain Trips, that's what it is.
Altar & Temple:
17:40 Entombed A.D.
18:35 Archgoat
19:30 Asphyx
20:25 Moonsorrow
21:20 Terrorizer
22:15 Primordial
23:15 Napalm Death
01:00 Dark Funeral
Hellfest streams today:
Altar & Temple:
17:40 Entombed A.D.
18:35 Archgoat
19:30 Asphyx
20:25 Moonsorrow
21:20 Terrorizer
22:15 Primordial
23:15 Napalm Death
01:00 Dark Funeral