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I'm not sitting here living in tons of paranoia and fear. I'm just happy I was woken up to all the horrible evil and corruption that exists out there. Too bad more people can't have the same happen. And if others believed that it was actually true, what could anyone do about it? I guess that as long as it doesn't have a direct impact on our lives, we shouldn't worry about any of it.

Wait, you're saying that the Illuminati are controlling the world on every level possible and you're just ignoring it? We shouldn't worry about it?? Travis, if you think you know something that most other people in the world don't (like those ignorami @Perun and @LooseCannon <_<), you should go out there and preach! Tell the world we're all in danger! Make a demonstration in front of the White House! Start a YouTube Channel! Sell pot! You only have one chance to save the world, Travis, don't blow it!
BTW: What do you people think of JFK? Could Bill Hicks/Oliver Stone have been into something? :D All I know is that the movie is a bunch of nonsene, but very "catchily" done.
Travis reminds me of my dad, who claims to know everything about the JFK assassination because he watched one Channel 5 documentary.
It's more or less really easy to see Garrison (and Oliver Stone) was right, because it really makes sense - JFK, a Catholic, being indirectly killed by the secret gay cabal, Clay Shaw/Bertrand in particular, because "[gay people] always change their last names, but never their first names." (Hugh Aynesworth, "The Garrison Goosechase," Dallas Times Herald, Nov. 21, 1982).

I'll find out next week, when the final episode of 11/22/63 airs. :D
Do you like the show? I think it's quite decent considering most adaptations of Stephen King's works' are abominations like Under The Dome. The changes they made for the show make sense but the show still misses the heart that the book (one of my all-time favorites) had.
I'm enjoying it a lot, yes. It's well-acted and looks superb. I haven't read the book, so I can't comment to how it compares, but I think it's an intriguing and captivating story.
Do you like the show? I think it's quite decent considering most adaptations of Stephen King's works' are abominations like Under The Dome. The changes they made for the show make sense but the show still misses the heart that the book (one of my all-time favorites) had.
My thoughts exactly. The book has such a captivating atmosphere and just oozes the spirit of the 60's. The series feels rushed and sketchy in comparison, but it's still good. I completely share your opinion on Under The Dome, as well. I'd rather not think of it. <_<
The Langoliers TV mini-series was hilariously bad. Probably the worst special effects I've ever seen, outside of maybe the Scorpion King.
Two of my housemates loved watching Under the Dome, mainly because it was so bad it was funny. It became cult viewing but thankfully it ended shortly after I moved in.
I gave up first 2-3 eps after I realized they took the character names from the book and changed everything else <_< I hope that in a couple of years some competent network like HBO or Netflix makes a proper miniseries out of it though.
I'm sorry, Travis. You're not only wrong - you're demonstrably wrong. You're choosing to ignore reality to pretend you understand things others don't.

For reference, I suspect that this theme (ignoring reality and constructing one's own, usually with the assistance of picking your own biased media) will explain why Donald Trump has done so well this year in elections.
I'm sorry, Travis. You're not only wrong - you're demonstrably wrong. You're choosing to ignore reality to pretend you understand things others don't.

For reference, I suspect that this theme (ignoring reality and constructing one's own, usually with the assistance of picking your own biased media) will explain why Donald Trump has done so well this year in elections.

I believe this is what you were looking for... :innocent: :D

The Langoliers TV mini-series was hilariously bad. Probably the worst special effects I've ever seen, outside of maybe the Scorpion King.

Never saw that one, Tommyknockers was not so spectacular though. Planning on watching 11/22/63 though ... have a few shows I want to wrap up first
I'm enjoying it a lot, yes. It's well-acted and looks superb. I haven't read the book, so I can't comment to how it compares, but I think it's an intriguing and captivating story.

I was just looking for a series to watch. 11.22.63 will do.