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We discovered some HUGE animal tracks in the snow of our yard. If someone could possibly identify them and tag me when you do, that would be very much appreciated.
Ya, they're insane.
Travis, that looks like an adult moose and child moose. The adult is likely a cow.
LC, the tracks are definitely a mom and baby. That would be so great to spot them in the yard and get some pics.

Watching Power Drill Massacre with a seven year old girl is bizarre, creepy and dull at the same time.
One mile from my house, about two hours ago:

Guy in a SUV got stuck behind a slow-moving truck. Road-raged his way out and floored it. Ran through the red light, into a busy intersection...

...this is what's left of the car he hit.

Two hours later, they're still trying to get the second body out of that wreck.
Hopefully one of you guys can help me. I've scoured the far-reaches of the internet looking for an official Book of Souls patch (as seen here) and I've found out it is only attainable if you pre-ordered some kind of special edition of the album in Germany. Is there anybody here that happens to have the patch and is willing to sell it? If so, please PM me. I can pay with PayPal. Cheers guys.
That is really horrible SMX!

James, a good place to ask is on the many Maiden Facebook groups. There are even some dedicated to collector's items. Even if you don't like FB, it might be worth it to make an account just to check the groups. That is if you have no luck on here.
Thanks for the advice Travis. I might just have to make a Facebook account now. Hopefully when the tour gets going the patch will be released to rest of the world.
First day of work in 2016. Temperature outside is -10°C, there is 10 cm of snow, and the office air-conditioning system is kaputt.
First day of work in 2016. Temperature outside is -10°C, there is 10 cm of snow, and the office air-conditioning system is kaputt.

Tell me about it. -15 and it's way too cold in the school. I've had shivers all day, finally home with hot tea now.
It snowed here finally, instantly made the weather more bearable. We had no snow but very low temperatures for weeks, everything was frozen.

Destroyed yet another final. :smartarse: